Stressless Chairs

[av_heading heading=’Stressless Chairs’ tag=’h1′ link_apply=” link=’manually,http://’ link_target=” style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ margin=” padding=’10’ color=’meta-heading’ custom_font=” custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=”][/av_heading]

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Not all treasures found at Queen B sales are small – check out these two luxury leather Stressless chairs looking right at home reclining in the living room of a lucky (and now relaxed!) QB treasure hunter.

Stressless recliners such as these have had a reputation for comfort and quality since 1971, when Norwegian designer Jens Ekornes created the first one. To make a Stressless recliner, woodworkers create a sturdy swivel ring base of European beech, which is topped with a system of springs, ventilated foam and one long, continuous steel rod. The foam is then covered in top-grain leather that is cut, stretched and sewn by seamstresses. The flexible lumbar spring at the core of each chair cradles the back, neck and head of the sitter in any reclining position. Ahhh… As demand for these luxury chairs grew, raw materials were sourced from all over the world, but originally many were local resources, easily at hand.

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The Ekornes company is located in Sykkylven, a municipality of small farms on the west coast of Norway. The region’s geographic limitations led directly to the growth of Scandinavian furniture making. With land at a premium, each family farm was too small to remain prosperous if divided up and therefore each farm was left ONLY to the first son of a famer upon his death. Other surviving sons had to come up with new ways of providing for their families and many of these “second sons” turned to furniture-making using local materials. After a while, there were furniture shops all along the Sykkylven fjord and the region had become the center of Norwegian furniture manufacturing.

Today Ekornes is the largest furniture manufacturer in Scandinavia and is still something of a family business. And, the company still proudly proclaims Stressless to be “the world’s most comfortable furniture!” So come on by Queen B Estate Sales – visit us, look though all the treasures big and small, and test-sit some lovely chairs.

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Thursday Treasures was started by our staff member, Jeanne. Each week she will be featuring items that have been found at our estate sales. If you would like to submit a treasure for Jeanne to feature in a future installment of “Thursday’s Treasures”, please follow the button below and send us an email! Please attach a few photos of your treasure in a beautiful setting as well as any details you have about your item such as manufacturer, use, age, region of origin. If you don’t know about the piece, that’s okay!  We still might be able to research it for you! Don’t forget to tell us what makes this item such a treasure to you!

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