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It is well known that an organized space helps us to be more productive, less stressed, and more creative. Have you thought about organizing your head space, too?
Take Five
How do we make space for ourselves and others when everything seems so uncertain?
Here, in autumn, thoughts may often turn to preparing for the darker days ahead. This year is particularly challenging, given the unrest and unease permeating our world. We all want to make a safe space for ourselves and those we love. It starts with our own minds.
Perspective Matters
Given that we all have unique needs for comfort and safety, here are some tips for reflection that can hopefully help free up some space in your mind for lovingkindness. George Bernard Shaw, a playwright and Nobel Prize winner, wisely said,
“Better keep yourself clean and bright;
you are the window through which
you must see the world.”
Authenticity is a practice in which you seek to act in ways that mirror your values and beliefs. This takes time and space. For some of us, meditation is a tool that helps us discover what is important and what we are ready to discard. For others, it may be another spiritual practice, or getting out in nature, or getting “in the zone” with exercise, art, or another creative outlet.
Find Your Happy Place
Research shows that those who act authentically find greater happiness with themselves and with others. Find five minutes every day to give yourself this time and space. It will do wonders for your state of mind.
Seek authenticity in those you interact with, too. Relationships of all kinds– family, work, and business relationships– benefit when we bring our authentic selves to the table. We are kinder, listen more, and can be so much more helpful to one another.
Ask for Help
If you need help getting your space or events or work life organized so that you can focus on being more YOU, help is available. When life is overwhelming, we often turn to friends or family to help us handle difficulties or support us in making decisions or changes that might be too stressful if we had to do it alone.
We “thrive in a hive.”
A professional organizer from Queen B Organizing can also help you meet your best self. Authentically. Because at the end of the day, we want you to feel more at ease, and our caring manner and expertise in organizing, decluttering, and purging serve the dual purpose of freeing up your physical space, as well as your head space, so you can instead focus on the things that matter. It starts with you. Keep your window clean!