This week, Queen B Organizing offers a treasure trove for model train engineers and enthusiasts!

A client’s collection includes hundreds of pre-and post-war Lionel trains, and also several of the coveted K-Line brand, along with track, controllers, collectible scenery and more. All will be available at our “Beehive” multi-family estate sale the weekend of Friday, November 20-22nd. Sale event at 2409 NW Kings Blvd, Corvallis, OR 97330 at the former “Maurice’s” retail location. Hours: Friday, Nov 20th-8am-6pm, Saturday, Nov 21st-9am-4pm, and Sunday, Nov 22nd-9am-2pm.
What is it about trains that captures our imagination?
Model train collecting began in earnest in the Depression years, after savvy retailers used them for Christmas displays in their department store windows. What child has not looked on in wonder as a train rolls by, wheels clacking, and whistle blowing! Tiny reproductions bring that sense of awe into your living room, garage, or entire home!
Who Plays with Trains?
And model railroad collecting is not just for children. Men and women around the globe participate in this activity. Why? According to the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA), it’s educational, family-oriented, and fun! Just what is needed in our world today.
Not surprisingly, Oregon boasts several model railroad clubs for serious engineers, hobbyests, and beginners. In the Willamette Valley, you can check out the Corvallis Society of Model Engineers and A&P N-gineers Model Railroading Club in Eugene on Facebook, among others. The Willamette Valley Model Railroad Museum in Salem has a wealth of resources to spark your imagination and help build your collection. (Call for hours and availability due to Covid-19 State restrictions).
Fascinating Fun
Whether you investigate model railroading for its historical significance, engineering possibilities, or just plain fun, you will learn a great deal about our nation and our people. See model trains in action here!
Are you looking for a fun way to spend time learning about our nation’s history and the railroad industry? Then visit our Beehive sale this coming weekend and explore the possibilities!